Largest Virtual Incubator

Help at every step of your startup journey

We are helping entrepreneurs from all 195 UN recognized countries

We offer


  • Experienced Mentors
  • Action focused process
  • Discounts and Credits from 100+ partners
  • Practical Education and Certification
  • Technology Experts
  • Co-founders
  • Investors and funding




Being an engineer, entrepreneurship was a whole new arena for me to tackle. IdeaGist had tools and checklists that helped assess my idea and stay focused. The details provided for each checklist were very useful and informative. First-time entrepreneurs like me can save a lot of time and protect themselves from common mistakes by following IdeaGist model.

Kanthi Yalamanchili

Founder, Holor

The IdeaGist process is thoughtful and effective. If you are thinking about an idea, the initial THINK stage on IdeaGist is spot on. It can provide you the needed tools and assessments to make a smart go/no go decision.

Kristen Heimerl

IdeaGist was profoundly helpful in connecting with affordable and good quality talent to get the myriad of activities done, in setting up a customer facing business. As a first time entrepreneur, I was able to ask Ideagist mentors many questions about big and small hurdles to be overcome. This was crucial for the startup in being able to make progress with confidence or giving up prematurely. Truly appreciate it.

Rama Prasad

Founder, Teqnizan

No Application Process

You can start free on IdeaGist and use all premium features using our points system.