by Liz Ernst | Feb 20, 2018 | Social Media Blogs
Startup advice “Try not to make any decisions that you're not excited about.” ~ Jake Nickell Start developing your business or product idea today, Click here to start Startup advice
by Liz Ernst | Feb 7, 2018 | Social Media Blogs
Customer satisfaction: the best business strategy of all Too often, companies worry about generating new customers but they forget about the importance of keeping them happy. The Pareto rule puts it into perspective: studies show that 20 percent of your customers...
by Liz Ernst | Nov 20, 2017 | Default
Be a Goal Digger for startup success Learn how IdeaGist can help you achieve your startup goals Goal Digger
by Liz Ernst | Nov 6, 2017 | Social Media Blogs
Winning in Business Learn how IdeaGist's virtual business incubator can help your startup win. wining in business